Dear Mr. Obama
I just did hear your statement about climate and climatcastrophe on CNN. I did read all your books you have written before you became the President of the United States. Today you tell us, that 97 % of all the scientist and also the rest of them believe that we rush into a serious climate catastrophe with our CO2 we produce and we are responsible for.
Where has your critical brain that you present in your former books hidden? Could it be infected from your visit in Germany? The Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, and quite a lot of SPD and CDU believe the IPCC religion. It seems you too as well? Do you not read any books any more, for example Donna Lframboise, her exposé about the IPCC? Your speech is a slam into the face of any serious scientist who only is a scientist and not as some of them “Half scientist and half politician”, as for example Mr. Schellnhuber.
I remember that America did not undersign the Basel I, II nor III but pushed German banks to do so. That was good for American economy and bad for German companies. Might it be possible that you again try to push Europe to believe in the CO2 religion to get destroyed by it while at last America will go a completely different way?
You mention your children, I think it is not very honourable to disabuse ones own children for that religious fight. You are intelligent and you know just as I know that there is no scientific proof on the whole world that we are heading with our man-made CO2 a climate catastrophe